Protect your trademark internationally from India, India Joins the International Trademark System

India’s Minster for Commerce and Industry Anand Sharma today deposited his country’s instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol for the International Registration of Marks at WIPO, bringing the total number of members of the international trademark system to 90. The treaty will enter into force with respect to India on July 8, 2013. The Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks (Madrid system) offers trademark owners a cost effective, user friendly and streamlined means of protecting and managing their trademark portfolio internationally. Minister Sharma said “We recognize that this instrument will provide an opportunity for Indian companies, which are increasing their global footprint, to register trademarks in member countries of the Protocol through a single application, while also...

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Why trademarking your domain name in India is a must for online-only businesses and service providers?

New Business Trends Going online or taking your business online is the new mantra adapted by a number of business entities for several reasons.  The name of your business is an integral link to your customers or clients and that they use your brand name or domain name to locate your website through searches or link to your website.  This applies to your existing customers and prospective customers.  Lot of businesses provide specific services through online which vary from providing storage space to placing orders. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="275"] Trademark your domain name in India[/caption] Do you really need to obtain trademark of your domain? The main objective of trademarking a domain name is to provide you with legal recourse...

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Protecting your software or application name in India?

Planning, designing, developing, implementing and deploying a software application is a herculean task, let alone the money and efforts spent in advertising, branding and marketing.  Therefore, a software application may look simple, efficient and user-friendly to the users, but does have a lot of monetary and human efforts behind it. A software developer is successful when his work is recognized and appreciated by his customers and more importantly when they give due credits to his works by purchasing it through legal means.  This is at the end-user level.  What about mischievous competitors or hackers or competitors who may involve in acts such as creating serial keys, counterfeiting, distributing through peer-to-peer networks, etc. Ways to protect to your software? Patents - Patents can prevent a competitor...

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What is a service level agreement (SLA) and why it is important?

What is an SLA? A service-level agreement is essentially a contractual agreement containing terms and condition with regard to service delivery, thereby forming a legal agreement, between the client and service provider. What forms an SLA? An SLA basically comprises of components in two realms - services and management. Service elements include specifics of services provided (and what's excluded, if there's room for doubt), conditions of service availability, standards such as time window for each level of service (prime time and non-prime time may have different service levels, for example), responsibilities of each party, escalation procedures, and cost/service tradeoffs. Management elements should include definitions of measurement standards and methods, reporting process, contents and frequency, a dispute resolution process, an indemnification...

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Free Webinar on “Basics of Trademark” on March 3, 2013

Free weminar on "Basics of Trademark" Online seminar on "Basics of Trademark" will be conducted on March 3, 2013 between 7:00 and 7:45 p.m.  The seminar will cover the most basic questions about trademark, myths and common misconceptions. Seminar on Trademark Who will Benefit? Business owners, developers, individuals launching their products, etc. will be highly benefited from this webinar Do I need to pay for the webinar? No, it is absolutely free. Will you clarify my doubts, if any, during or after the seminar? Yes, there will be a 10-min question session at the end of the seminar.  You can alternatively contact one of your trademark attorneys for more specific questions. What do I need to attend the webinar? All you...

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