Check our application status at ease now, thanks to Indian Trademark Office!

Over the past months we have been writing periodically about the digitization process happening at the office of Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (CGPDTM) (here and here), more specifically about trademarks.  Now, the Indian trademark registry has made available yet another online dashboard utility named as “Stock and Flow of Trademarks” to show the flow of applications. The previous utilities failed to show the exact status of applications, for example, whether an application is on the way to publication or registration after examination, etc. indian trademark office trademark utility

Applicants, agents and attorneys can now more closely monitor their applications and prepare themselves for appropriate proceedings without taken by surprises.  This tool is pretty straightforward and simple to use, although clearly lacks sophistication given the period of computing we are in.

This effort must certainly be appreciated as this is a huge step forward in pushing the entire system towards transparency.  However, we are keenly awaiting the e-communication system just like the USPTO and other trademark offices that allow applicants and attorneys to receive official communications and notifications through emails. This will address issues such as non-receipts and delays in receiving examination reports, show-cause notices and other official communication through post.