It has been quite some time since our Indian Patent and Trademark Office had launched its online e-filing platform. Of note, the Copyright Board did also launch similar services in 2009, but it did not go well as planned and went completely dysfunctional in a few months of its launch.
Most recently in November-December 2013, Indian Trademark Office introduced online facility for filing Madrid applications as well as filing reply to examination report. What comes as a more pleasant news for stakeholders and public is that now our Trademark Office accepts the following forms through its E-filing platform:
- Renewal – TM-12, TM-10, and T-23
- Opposition – TM-5, TM-26, TM-6 and TM-7
- Correction – TM-16
- Legal Certificate – TM-46 and TM-70
- Copyright Clearance – TM-60 and 72
- Duplicate Registration Certificate – TM-59
- Miscellaneous Forms – TM-53, 55, and 63.
Notification to this effect has been published today on and can be seen here. It is noteworthy that IP offices in other foreign countries, such as USA, UK, Australia, Japan, Singapore, have gone fully digital to the point that even oppositions can be proceeded online in some offices, without having to go in person except in some cases.
Apparently, the Indian Patent and Trademark Office has been experiencing pressure in handling applications due to acute and chronic shortage of staff and has been battling several issues quite well in the recent few months. This announcement comes as a relief to all the stakeholders and we hope that in a few months our Indian IP office would go fully digital like other foreign offices.
We greatly appreciate the efforts and are thankful to both the CGPDTM and the team at National Informatics Centre.