Whether it is correct to use registered trademark ® symbol without registration?

  Trademark registration involves several stages from application to publication before it is finally registered (see our earlier post on stages involved).  It takes upwards of 12 to 18 months for a trademark to attain registration in India, provided that there is no objection or opposition. Symbols such as TM and ® are used by trademark owner to caution general public that the mark is a registered trademark. There is no legal impediment to use TM symbol while a trademark application is pending, but to use a ® symbol one must have a valid registration. There is common misconception among significant number of population that it is okay to use ® symbol without a valid registration.  Trademark applicants tend to use...

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What is next after trademark application? How to use trademark symbols in India?

After much contemplation, you now have successfully filed your trademark application and next what?  Okay, it is time to show-off or cause notice to the public regarding the usage of that trademark.  Let us see how and why we should do so. Why and how to use trade mark symbols? The symbols ®, TM and SM provide notice to the world that you are claiming trademark rights in any mark using these symbols. You may use the TM on marks identifying goods, and the SM on marks identifying services as soon as you have filed the application and allotted with an unique TM application number. You need not have a registration to use the TM or SM symbols. However, the...

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