After 10 years Isohunt closes down a bit early, survived many Copyright battles!

Many of the file sharing and torrent websites have been losing their battles against Copyright owners.  One such was Megaupload, which was shut down a few months ago. has fought many battles and somehow pulled off for about 10.5 years. Isohunt has posted a notice on its website that it has closed a day earlier than required to avoid being a part of an attempt to archive it.  Isohunt was first sued by a movie production house in way back in 2006 and the case has reached a settlement with the MPAA and Isohunt agreed to both pay $110 million in damages and to close down in seven days. After a group named Archiveteam said they were preparing to make...

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How do you feel when someone takes credit for your work?

How do you feel when someone takes credit for your work? It is not uncommon at work for your subordinates, co-workers, immediate supervisor, or boss, to take credit for the work you have burned the calories and spent sleepless nights for. When this happens during the course of your employment, you may choose to ignore this as you may end up at the least gaining some experience, if at all anything and at worst, there is another job out there. But what happens when you are an inventor or a business owner if someone uses your brand or business name or brain child for commercial gains? Can you take this lightly? Certainly not, right? How to register your trademark? If...

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