Due Diligence – Is your online business or e-commerce website compliant with Information Technology Act?

Controlling Cyber Crimes Prevention of white collar crimes, especially socioeconomic offences and crimes related to computers, has been paid due attention over the years by the Indian Government.  After the recent amendment to the Information Technology Act, 2000, more provisions have been included to prescribe guidelines and punishment related to cyber crimes, from hacking to pornography. Cyber crime has become a profession and the demographic of your typical cyber criminal is changing rapidly, from bedroom-bound geek to the type of organized gangster more traditionally associated with drug-trafficking, extortion and money laundering. It has become possible for people with comparatively low technical skills to steal thousands of pounds a day without leaving their homes. In fact, to make more money than...

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Protecting your software or application name in India?

Planning, designing, developing, implementing and deploying a software application is a herculean task, let alone the money and efforts spent in advertising, branding and marketing.  Therefore, a software application may look simple, efficient and user-friendly to the users, but does have a lot of monetary and human efforts behind it. A software developer is successful when his work is recognized and appreciated by his customers and more importantly when they give due credits to his works by purchasing it through legal means.  This is at the end-user level.  What about mischievous competitors or hackers or competitors who may involve in acts such as creating serial keys, counterfeiting, distributing through peer-to-peer networks, etc. Ways to protect to your software? Patents - Patents can prevent a competitor...

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